Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Bollogness blog commenced today much to the encouragement of friends and family but to the chagrin of bloggers worldwide. If you haven't been introduced yet feel free to flagellate yourself. It's heralded birth occurring amidst the din - clatter of dishes, human exudations and Queen (yes the band not the red or white complete album with Bohemian rhapsody) -where else but in a cafe, naturally. Bollogness - for the randomness of thoughts, ideas, comments and phantasmagoric effect. To those not yet educated on Moers culture the Bollog is a fictional giant troll-like creature that grows to mountainous heights and at a certain age lops off it's own head, sets it down and then goes off in search of it- a search that lasts most of the rest of its life and most times ends unsuccessfully. I thought this to be one of the most hilarious images I have had to conjure yet and think it to also have serious meaning and psychological profundity. But although it may seem ridiculous to name my blog after such a senseless and ludicrous act and character on the whole, the Bollog's head becomes an interesting fixture to those who encounter it as it still goes on 'functioning' and because of its sheer size other smaller creatures are able to climb into it and explore its' bizarre insane world. So too I hope this blog can be a similar experience and if not always sometimes a catalyst for otherworldly creativity. Akin to the feeling when you're eating something yummy and unconsciously you start dancing! If however, the content of this blog causes surprise, dismay, embarrassment or offense in any way it may or may not have been the intent so please accept apologies made in advance. And so my Journey begins...

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